Terms & Conditions


When will I receive my order?
It usually takes 3 to 7 days to process an order, after which it is shipped. Shipping time depends on where you live, but can be estimated as follows:

United States: 3 - 4 working days
Europe: 6 - 8 working days
Australia: 2 - 14 working days
Japan: 4 - 8 working days
International: 10 - 20 working days

Where will my order be shipped from?
We work with an on-demand fulfillment company with facilities all over the world!

Will customs charges be added?
Additional customs and tax charges may apply to international orders. These charges are not our responsibility and are invoiced by your local customs office. Customs policies vary considerably from country to country. Please check directly with your local customs office to see if they apply duties and taxes to your purchases.

My order should have arrived, but I still haven't received it.
What should I do?

Before contacting us, please help us by doing the following:

- Check your shipping confirmation e-mail for any errors in the delivery address.
- Ask your local post office if they have your parcel.
- Visit your neighbors in case the courier has left the package with them.

If the shipping address is correct and the package has not been dropped off at the post office or your neighbor's, contact us at stephanie@koomquat.com with your order number.

If you have found an error in your shipping address, we can send you a replacement order, but shipping will be at your expense.



How are your products manufactured?
We work with a print-on-demand distributor. They have a worldwide presence, so depending on where you are, your orders are printed and shipped from the location that can do it most efficiently!

How can I track my order?
You will receive a tracking link via email when your order ships. If you have any questions about tracking or shipping your order, please write to us at stephanie@koomquat.com.

I received an incorrect/damaged product, what should I do?
We are very sorry if the product you ordered arrived damaged. To help us resolve this issue quickly, please email us at stephanie@koomquat.com within a few weeks with photos of the damaged product, your order number and any other details you may have regarding your order.



What is your returns policy?
We don't offer returns or exchanges, but if there's a problem with your order, please let us know by contacting us stephanie@koomquat.com

Will you issue refunds?
Refunds are only offered to customers who receive incorrect or damaged items. If this applies to you, please contact us at stephanie@koomquat.com with photos of the damaged items and we will arrange a refund.

Can I exchange an item for a different size/color?
At this time, we do not offer exchanges. If you're not sure which size is right for you, check out our size guides: we have one for every item listed on our store, in the product description section. Although it's rare, it's possible that an item you've ordered is mislabeled. If this is the case, please let us know at stephanie@koomquat.com within one week of receiving your order. Include your order number and photos of the mislabeled item, and we'll send you a new one, or refund your money!